Curiosity is a Life Hack

This week, we read an interesting interview with film writer/director Cameron Crowe. Here's an excerpt...

"It's terrible when you have this picture that does not work. Here's how you deal with it: you do another one! You come back, you do more, you do this thing you love... I've always felt that way. I've always felt there's an x-factor that can break your way. But if you lose your curiosity, you're done. [Billy] Wilder said this: You're always one idea away from your best f*cking work. Be curious."

In short, he means you've got to nurture the joy of film-making. This is true of fitness as well. A while back, we featured Louise P, who said curiosity was one of the things that led her to drop 25lbs over the year....

"She tried a bunch of different classes at Beach then Danforth. She wondered if she could build up to ten push-ups. She wondered why she couldn’t even pull herself up onto the monkey bars, while her kid could traverse it with ease.

When she got moving she said, “The motivation came from realizing I could do stuff and I got real curious about that. If you just get started, you’ll find a place for it.”

Curiosity is a competitive advantage in life, while the opposite is tragic. As Crowe said, without it, you're done. Your attention will be all over the place. You'll give up on things quicker. You'll remain unfulfilled.

So, what can you get curious about this week? If you find push-ups difficult, can you keep coming back to them and play around with some alternatives? Can you figure out what's keeping you from improving? You may be just one small adjustment away.

Can you chat to the healthy parent who appears to have their shit together? What are they doing different, and if it fits your life, can you copy that?

We'll leave the final word about curiosity to James Clear (whom we quote every other week!)

"Increasingly, I feel curiosity and an eagerness to learn is the most crucial skill in life. If you're not curious, I'm not sure if there is much others can do to help you. But if you're eager to learn, even if you aren't particularly talented, then so much is possible."

Have a great week!

Kevin & Victoria
