A Fitness Fan's Guide to Commenting on Euro 2020 (without knowing a thing about soccer) — BOMB Fitness

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A Fitness Fan's Guide to Commenting on Euro 2020 (without knowing a thing about soccer)

The European soccer championship is down to the last 16 and so maybe you think it’s time to unglaze your eyes so you can contribute to your immigrant family’s long conversations about it.

The problem is you have no idea about Euro 2020 (or is it 2021?) or have any clue about soccer! Don’t worry my little droogy, we have you covered. Here is BOMB’s tongue-in-cheek guide to Euro 2020 by understanding 10 of the remaining teams through a fitness lens.


Would be Peleton. Solid, but boring to watch, and not as good as the press makes them out to be. Great marketing.


The Pull-Up. Italy used to be the bicep curl - nice to look at but not very functional. This year, they’ve graduated to The Pull-Up - still sexy, but also really useful.


The Thigh Master. Everyone’s surprised that they’re still around.


The Leg Press Machine. Gone and not respected for years. Now making a comeback.


The Bench Press. Who needs a back when your front is as good as this.


The Goblet Squat. Always there and you secretly think they’re beatable. But when the weight and pressure increases, you suddenly realise you don’t want to face them.


Zumba. Just when you think they’re gone you turn around and, somehow, they’re still there.


The Diet Pill. Belgium hit the genetic lottery 5+ years ago, turning from a nobody team to ranked #1 in the world, despite remaining trophy-less. They are the diet pill - better get results and win something before everyone starts thinking you’re not as good as you say you are.


Mountain Climbers. Will destroy you if you underestimate them.


The Battle Ropes. You don’t quite understand them, or why they’re there, but are really fun nonetheless.
