
5 Self-Development Books That Aren't Shit

Around 24 million North Americans read some type of self-development book every year. There are over 300,000 self-help books available on alone.

The truly great self-development books are real, down-to-earth, and inspire you to act. Some are long-winded, full of hocus pocus, and dry as an internet troll’s bath mat. Others are simply used as a tool to get you to purchase the real information from their website.

Fortunately, we’ve read through a lot of the drab and the phonies to bring you 5 of the best. They’re so good that if you were to only read these books every year, you’d turn into a pretty amazing person.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book is recommended by everyone so often that it feels like people don’t take it seriously any more. It’s turned into a vocal meme and even had a horrible film named after it, but the content stands true over eighty years later (it was first published in 1936).

One of few things that has stayed truly constant over the last hundred years is how people are liked. Remember the asshole who thought grabbing your ass in the club was a great pick-up move? Well, you’d find that same asshole 100 years ago, hassling a tavern barmaid to see what was under her corset.

You’d hate them both, and they’d go home alone.

If only they had read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. This book has you covered on how to be a likable and influential person. Things like how to really listen, how to make people feel important and how to be genuinely appreciative. It should be studied in all schools and workplaces.

You can pick it up on Amazon Kindle for just $0.99 and if you find us being really, really nice to you for some reason, it’s likely we’ve just re-read this book.

Read it if:

  • Your manners are equivalent to a zombie food-eating scene from The Walking Dead.

  • Nobody will do what you ask them to (because you’re probably an ass).

​Note: This book has its detractors too. Their argument is that it makes you act in ways that are not of your nature and invites you to be manipulative. But if you can’t listen, or talk to people respectfully, or appreciate other humans then its you that needs to change, not the book.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson

The self-development books we really hate are the ones full of woo-woo affirmation nonsense and those that make you feel worse about yourself after reading it.

Mark Manson’s book is a breath of fresh air. Using a character called Disappointment Panda he cuts through all the nonsense, essentially telling the reader that they’re an entitled asshole and full of shit. Yes, even those who feel they really need help.

While most books prey on the notion that there’s something wrong with you, Mark lets you know:

  1. That it’s okay to not feel great every day, just do something about it.

  2. Stop giving a fuck about the small stuff and choose to give a fuck on the things that are really important.

Read it if:

  • You feel the need to tailgate the car who just cut you up and that anger lingers long into the night.

  • There’s another subway delay and so you feel the need to compare the mayor’s infrastructure plan to that of Adolf Hitler’s World War II plan.


Start With Why by Simon Sinek

The premise of Simon Sinek’s book is to reverse engineer your thoughts and actions to find out WHY you do what you do.

Finding out your WHY, Sinek argues, drives how well you do things. Having a strong WHY will help you drive through resistance. Having a strong WHY will make you a better leader.

People do not believe in you by what you do or how you do it; they believe in you because of WHY you do it.

It has a more business leadership of a read to it but anyone can adapt it to their situation – a parent or pastor should all strive to be a great leader and it’s all about finding and being true to your WHY.

Read it if:

  • You are horrible at sticking to a new-found habit – like exercise or healthy eating.

  • You wonder why nobody will invest in your alt-right movement.


The One Thing by Gary Keller

The premise of this book is simple and asks one question. What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?

This question can be applied to everything in your life from work, relationships, and spiritual improvement.

We even use it when speaking to our members. With 600+ of them, it’s hard to chat to everyone and cut to the chase on interesting stuff. Asking Jennifer, “Hey, welcome back, what’s the one thing you loved/hated about your trip to Paris” will produce thoughtful and interesting answers.

The book covers a wide vary of topics, from going deeper than the 80/20 rule to the domino effect this statement brings, right through to habit building. It’s a beautiful book that has a neat in-printed function - all the key ideas are underlined in pencil-like ink.

It might seem a really simple concept to take up a whole book but when you’re stuck-in-a-rut or feel overwhelmed it’s a great reference to use.

Read it if all of the following happens at the same time:

  • You start eating out every day for lunch.

  • There’s too much pressure at work and you don't know where to start.

  • Your toddler starts to slap every person she meets.

  • Your other half has decided to never cook or clean a dish again.


Linchpin by Seth Godin

The idea behind this book is simple – “What makes you remarkable and indispensable?” Too often we snore through our job expecting our boss to notice that we’re doing a fantastically normal go of it and expect our wages to inflate to reflect that.

This book tells you that you can’t wait around for change. You can’t wait around for good things to happen. You have to take the bull by the horns and become The Linchpin – an indispensable part of your team, community, or family.

Read it if:

  • You want to challenge the status quo.

  • You believe that your colleagues at work only get promoted because they kiss-ass.

  • You’re not sure if the employee trying to kiss your ass is indispensable.

  • If you think you’re cool, rebellious and Office Space is your favourite movie.


It’ll take a while to read all of these but even if you grab just one it will provide you with a new perspective – a challenge to the way you currently think.

Kevin & Victoria

It's a Hat-Trick!

This week, we were presented with the NOW Magazine award for the Best Gym/Fitness Club in Toronto for 2019.

We’re still pinching ourselves, but we couldn’t have done this without the support of all of our amazing, hardworking members and staff who put in WORK day in and day out, and make our jobs look easy.

Thank you to all those who took the time to vote for us, and to everyone who continues to support BOMB!

A special shout out goes to our friends and neighbours, Pomarosa Cafe*, for coming runner-up for Best Latin Restaurant in Toronto. We would not be able to work as hard at 6:15am without their delicious coffee and arepas.

* Did you know all BOMB members get a 10% discount?

A Healthy Guide to Eating Out

We tell you to eat healthy at home, and now we're about to tell you to do the same when you're out spending the fruits of your labour - like watching the finger-nail-filing escapades of your favourite basketball team.

With the Raptors losing last night, this probably all sounds like misery. But the following cheat sheet is full of simple little adjustments that you can make and still have fun.

If this still sounds tragic to you, don't worry, it's written by a cantankerous old sod.

A Miserable Bugger's Healthy Guide to Eating Out

1) Vodka soda is the Chainsmokers of the healthy alcoholic drink. Boring. Predictable. Flavourless.

Make your liquor a tequila or whiskey. For a minimal amount of extra calories you’ll get 1,000 times the taste, while remaining healthier than beer, cider, or white wine.

2) Take a look at the menu online and select your food choice before you go. That way you will not be influenced by other people’s choices in the moment. You may, indeed, prompt everyone else to contemplate their adolescent behaviour when they realize a proper adult is now present.

3) Just like your Ashley Madison dates, ask for all sauces to quietly remain on the side.

4) Dance near the flames of hell and eternal chastity, by suggesting to your partner that you pick a starter and a main to share. At restaurants we tend to overeat, and at Toronto prices, that $25 main ain’t going to waste. Devouring shared dishes will leave you satisfied and you’ll consume fewer calories.

5) Make all your side choices be salad or fruit. Unless you go to Weslodge, where you must violently swim in their mac ‘n’ cheese.

6) Impress absolutely no-one, by drinking one glass of water for every alcoholic drink.

7) Words matter. Look for “steamed,” “grilled,” and “boiled.” Avoid “loaded,” “creamy,” “rich,” “uncomfortable,” “crabs.”

K & V

You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Did you know that the cigarette brand Lucky Strike tried to sell their product based on weight loss?

"Who cares about my throat cancer honey, look, I can fit through the gap in this fence."

The thing is, they sold a shit-tonne... until they didn't.

Because you don't know what you don't know.

If someone seems authoritative, is confident in their pitch and has "proof" that other people did it, you will listen.

We hope that the person is right. We hope it's as easy as they say. But we really know it's not.

What we aren't immediately aware of is the behaviour costs that's associated with anything we do.

When you sign up for a gym membership are you really aware that you have to make time to get to the gym and back. Get that sitter in place.

That you have to prepare for muscle soreness and the initial tiredness spell for the first few weeks.

If you go on a caloric deficit, are you prepared for the headaches, the withdrawals, the cravings. The time it takes to prepare food. Cuts to your fun-spending so you can buy quality food.

Last year, during the Spartan Race, most of us didn't realize what we were in for. That to do it well, you have to train hills, hills and more hills on top of really weird strength training exercises.

You don't know what you don't know... until you do.

So it doesn't matter if you're just getting back to exercise or if you can do 10-20 push-ups, 5 pull-ups and know you should be doing a Spartan Race.

The fact is you now know what you didn't know.

So the real question is, what you gonna do about it?


Fitness Instagram Star Breaks Internet By Making a Post About Someone Else

​SANTA MONICA, CA - Fitness Instagram superstar Chesty Lane lost 500,000 followers yesterday after making a post be all about someone else.

Fellow fitness influencer, Brock Twolegs, picks up the scandal... "So I was scrolling through my 'gram. It was a usual day of colleagues posting shirtless meal prep videos and photos of themselves contemplating over a sunrise backdrop, by themselves, quoting themselves.

And then Chesty's post pops up with someone else in it! OMG my chin hit the floor. I mean, this person was clearly just a 5, maybe a 6 if Chesty had bothered to use a filter. And then there was some bullshit about blah blah struggles blah blah no time to exercise blah blah. How dare she spend all this time building up super-fans to then go and blow it all by talking about someone else!"

Chesty declined to comment for this story but, as of print, the incendiary post has been deleted and she was back with a new video promoting her 24-hour sexy belly slim down program, a spoken word essay on why sweat is simply your fat crying, and a reminder that cow dung spread on toast is 2018's new superfood.

Her follower count has steadily begun to rise.


Your mission, if you choose to accept it...

We recently caught the latest Mission: Impossible movie. Usually after five sequels there are diminishing returns as far as enjoyment and box office go.

However, this one was fantastic - maybe the best action movie of the past eight years. There were scenes where you couldn’t separate CGI from a human stunt. Definitely a film to see on the big screen.

Anyway, one of the recurring situations is that the hero, Tom Cruise, consistently sacrifices the fate of the world in order to save just one person. In this case he gives up plutonium BOMBs in exchange for his teammate’s life.

He can get the bombs later but he can’t get his buddy’s life back. Now we know this is just a film and it seems quite ridiculous to do something like that.

Or is it?

I think we do it all the time.

There are many instances, probably parenting comes to mind for most, where we give up or pause everything for the sake of someone else. It can be your career, health and fitness, and even your marriage. You'll get to it later.

But what if the opposite were true?

What if you worked just as hard on everything you were about to pause.

What if you can continue to get better in your career, keep working on your health and try and hold dearly onto your weekly date night?

How would that help in becoming a better parent/partner/human?

It probably seems like an impossible mission (🧐) to do all this.

However, the other theme of the movie is Tom Cruise’s battle with himself for acceptance (or rejection) of who he really is. Is it worth trying to relentlessly save the world at the cost of all his relationships?

So your mission, if you choose to accept it (really pushing the cheese button now), is to take a moment to think about what is normally worth sacrificing in the relentless pursuit of something else.

Then ask yourself what if the total opposite is really the way to go?

You keep working out while you start that new job. You work on your marriage even when a kid comes along.

What could that look like and how could it actually help you in that relentless pursuit of who you're meant to be?

​Kevin & Victoria

P.S. We realize the hero’s name is Ethan Hunt and not Tom Cruise. But at a rate of 20 smug smiles per film, regardless of subject, can we just take every character he plays and call them Tom Cruise?

Anyone agree? No? Okay, we’ll grab our coat.
